“Health News” Is Neither Healthy Nor News + Real Health News That You Probably Missed This Week

Health News Checklist From Body Love Wellness Last week, “health news” outlets widely reported this study that found that fat people with metabolic abnormalities, when studied over a 10 year period, seem to show more cognitive decline than thin or fat people without those abnormalities.

I could go on and on about the fact that this is not a controlled study and doesn’t account for things that might be causing this decline other than fat, like fat stigma and pharmaceuticals etc.

But today, I want to talk about the way this study was reported, not the study itself.

Why “Health News” Is Usually Bad News

Let’s look at MSN Health, for example. The original article on MSN Health was so hate-filled and misleading that an editor must have finally revised it to make it slightly more accurate. I wish I could get access to that original posting, but at the very least this facebook preview from the Rolls Not Trolls group says it all.

This is how “health news” outlets like MSN Health reported the study:
being fat makes you dumber from facebook preview with circleEven though MSN eventually changed the text of the article, they kept both the inaccurate title and the image of the mostly headless fatty holding a donut. Kudos, MSN for not letting fact checking get in the way of your hit count!

The Other Study That Came Out This Week That “Health News” Outlets Didn’t Bother To Cover

So is it any wonder that this other study, which found that fat doesn’t kill and being fat may actually have a protective effect when it comes to diabetes, got swept under the rug by “health news” outlets this week?

Here’s a quote from this study that may blow your mind.

“After adjusting for diabetes and hypertension, severe obesity was no longer associated with mortality, and milder obesity was associated with decreased mortality. There was a significant interaction between diabetes (but not hypertension) and BMI, such that the mortality risk of diabetes was lower among mildly and severely obese persons than among those in lower BMI categories.”

In other words, fat doesn’t kill you. If you don’t have diabetes or hypertension, and you’re fat, even really, really fat, your life expectancy is no different than a thin person. And if you have diabetes, being fat actually lengthens your life expectancy.

Hmm. So why would this study, which had a sample size of over eight times that other, widely reported study, get so little mention in the press?

Could it be because, as I wrote last week, the idea that fat is bad and weight loss works is the result of advertising, not science?

Perhaps it wasn’t reported because, if fatness isn’t dangerous or unhealthy or bad for you, then everyone from diet companies to diet pill manufacturers to weight loss surgery implant manufacturers to weight loss surgeons to Dr. Oz to women’s magazines to diet book gurus to anti-obesity researchers to the hacks at MSN Health would have to find some other way to make a living?!

This is hugely important health news that news outlets never bothered to cover. They didn’t cover it because if people actually knew about it, it would kill the weight loss business.

The diet industry alone makes over $60 billion a year here in the U.S. and much of that money is funneled back into the economy in the form of advertising. Perhaps some “news outlets” would go under without those monthly checks from Weight Watchers. I can’t be sure of that, but this much is clear: the news industry has an interest in keeping the weight loss industry thriving.

What You Can Do

1) Follow The Money — When you see a fat bashing article online or in print, take a look at the rest of the page, site or periodical. How many diet-related ads do you see? How many references or links to weight loss products do you notice? You may be shocked by what you find.

2) Ignore Or Comment — When you see “articles” that say that fat is bad and weight loss is the answer, feel free to ignore them. You know that they’re not the truth, and won’t contribute to your mental health. Alternatively, dig a little deeper and see if the cited study lines up with the article. The study itself may have bias too, so see if you notice that as well. And remember, very often, “health news” is neither healthy nor news. Feel free to comment and give ’em heck for bad reporting.

3) Practice Health At Every Size(R) — When you look at studies that are not funded by the diet industry, again and again it becomes clear that fat is not a death sentence, it’s not a curse. Embracing the body that you have–nourishing it, loving it, moving it in ways that feel good–is truly the healthiest thing you can do. This is the essence of HAES(R). You have the right to live a big, beautiful life in the body you have right now.

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Golda is a certified holistic health counselor and founder of Body Love Wellness, a program designed for plus-sized women who are fed up with dieting and want support to stop obsessing about food and weight. To learn more about Golda and her work, click here.

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24 thoughts on ““Health News” Is Neither Healthy Nor News + Real Health News That You Probably Missed This Week

  1. Your advice to “follow the money” in figuring out how credible a health story might be, is right on target.

    I think the fact that some bodies are better at being very fat than are others, is confusing all the research on this issue.

    Anna is right about at least one criticism: We size acceptance and HAES activists should be careful to avoid a “knee-jerk” defense of fatness, and examine each health claim with an open mind. This is a real challenge, considering the fat-phobic research establishment that exists out there, and the extent to which our critics bash us regularly.

    Much of the vitriol leveled at fatness, by fat and thin people alike, has nothing to do with health, and everything to do with aesthetic preferences.

  2. Thank you for posting this. Also, that checklist graphic is hilarious, and illustrates my theory that every “health news” article on fatness is written by a robot that sources things from the same five or six articles, including the same ten or so Headless Fat Person Picture.

  3. Thank you for posting about this. I get so tired and frustrated at these kinds of headlines and studies that demonize, criticize and discriminate against any person who carries extra weight.

    They breed discrimination and fear. People are so driven by fear and that is the way the weight loss industry wants it. Fear equals tons of money for them.

    I’m just glad that you speak up and out about it. You’re a breath of fresh air and I always feel much better when I read your posts.

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