A Dose Of Reality: My Exclusive Interview With Biggest Loser Finalist, Kai Hibbard (Part 2 of 3)

kai hibbard biggest loser eating disorderby Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.

A few months ago, I wrote yet another post on why The Biggest Loser is so bad for its contestants, the millions who watch the show, and the culture in general.  I expected to see the usual comments from my usual readership.

What I didn’t expect to see was a comment from Season 3 Biggest Loser finalist, Kai Hibbard, saying how much she enjoyed my post and asking if we might speak.

Shortly thereafter, Kai and I spoke on the phone about her experiences on the Biggest Loser.  From seeing her fellow contestants forced to workout with injuries against doctor’s orders, to the extreme dehydration prior to weigh-ins, to the resultant eating disorder that Kai still is working to heal, the story she told was nothing like the fantasy that the Biggest Loser seeks to promote.

Because Kai’s story is so powerful in her own words, and because she has so much to share on the reality of this reality TV series, I’ve decided to break the interview into 3 parts, and give you the actual audio to listen to if you so desire.

TRIGGER WARNINGKai discusses the nitty gritty of her eating disorder in this part of the interview, and it may be disturbing for some of you.

So here goes with Part 2 of My Interview With Kai Hibbard.  Click here to read and listen to Part 1Part 3 is now available too.  

Kai on The Biggest Loser’s diet and exercise program:

“Unfortunately, what they’re telling you the contestants are doing and what they actually have the contestants doing are two different things, at least as far as my season goes.  We were working out anywhere between 2 and 5 hours a day, and we were working out severely injured. There’s absolutely no reason to work a 270 pound girl out so hard that she pukes the first time you bring in a gym.  That was entirely for good tv.

There was a registered dietician that was supposed to be helping [the contestants at the ranch] as well . . . but every time she tried to give us advice . . . the crew or production would step in and tell us that we were not to listen to anybody except our trainers. And my trainer’s a nice person, but I have no idea what she had for a nutritional background at all.”

On how the trainers and producers overrode the show’s doctors:

“The doctor had taken our blood and tested us and sent us a solution, I don’t know exactly what it was but it was salty, so I’m assuming that our electrolytes were off.  And when the trainers found out we were taking it, they told us under no certain terms were we to be taking that, because it would make us retain water and gain weight on the scale and we’d have to go home.  The doctors had ordered us to take it and the trainers were like, ‘throw it out, right now.’  There was this interference between the people who were actually probably trying to get us healthy from the people who wanted a good television show.

On the show’s low-calorie diet and her subsequent eating disorder:

“I think when I was on the actual ranch we were eating between 1,000 and 1,200 calories a day, I’m not certain.  The thing is, it got worse when I got home. . . . I would get e-mails constantly from the producers: ‘what have you done today?’ ‘are you working out enough?’  It was just always, always, always.  At that point, [I had] all the pressure on me, and [I was] trying to do right by what I had been told is the best thing to ever happen to me. And they would tell you all the time, ‘200,000 other fat girls were in line right behind you. How dare you waste this experience? How dare you let anybody down?’

So I got to a point where I was only eating about 1,000 calories a day and I was working out between 5 and 8 hours a day. . . .  And my hair started to fall out.  I was covered in bruises.  I had dark circles under my eyes.  Not to get too completely graphic, but my period stopped altogether and I was only sleeping 3 hours a night.  I tried to tell the T.V. show about it and I was told, ‘save it for the camera.’

“At that point, my boyfriend at the time, who’s now my husband, and my best friend and my family stepped in and they said, ‘Hey, crazy, you’re going to die if you keep this up.’  At that point was doing really fun things like not eating at all. . . my major food groups were water, black coffee and splenda.  I got to the point that when I was nervous or upset I was literally vomiting my food up. And at one point the scale stalled, I was stuck at 163, and my trainer and the producers all ordered me to take a free day. . . .  They said, ‘oh, you’re body needs to be shaken up.’  And I was so afraid of food at that point I went in [to the store], I bought a bag of snicker doodle cookies, and a quart of milk, and a box of ex lax and I ate them all together.  And I knew that I was in trouble. And it was at this point that I was like, ‘Hey, where are those doctors and that psychologist that are supposed to be following up and keeping an eye on me that I kept hearing about?'”

On how she started to recover:

“Thank God my family intervened.  They got me semi-back-on-track all the way to the finale.  My very first meal where I actually ate again, my husband sat with me and it was a bowl of oatmeal and an egg-white omelet with salsa, and it took me an hour and a half and I cried through the whole thing.”

On how the show affected her body image:

“It gave me a really fun eating disorder that I battle every day, and it also messed up my mental body image because the lighter I got during that T.V. show, the more I hated my body.  And I tell you what, at 144 and at 262 and at 280, I had never hated my body before that show.

“I do still struggle [with an eating disorder].  I do.  My husband says I’m still afraid of food. . . . I’m still pretty messed up from the show. It doesn’t help that when I go in public . . . the first thing they usually ask me is ‘what do you weigh now?'”

On why she’s speaking out:

“I feel . . . that I have a responsibility to counteract some of the harm that that show does.  Because I took a piece of being that problem, I now own a piece of being the solution. . . . When I have people come to me crying, telling me how hard they work and how they log their food and how they’ve done everything they could and [they ask] ‘Why can’t I lose 12 pounds in a week like you?’ I feel a responsibility to get out there and go, ‘You know what?  Sue me if you want to, NBC, but I’m telling these people, I didn’t lose 12 pounds in a week. It didn’t happen.  It wasn’t a week.  And even when it looks like I lost 12 pounds in a week . . . I was so severely dehydrated that I was completely unhealthy.”

On the mass of contracts and waivers that she signed to be on The Biggest Loser:

“I think at the time when you sign it . . . and it says things like, ‘you give yourself over to whatever doctor we have treat you and we don’t attest to the credentials of the doctor’, you think, ‘no one is going to treat another human being this poorly, why should I even worry about that?’ You don’t realize that there are people out there who would treat you that poorly. You also get reminded . . . over and over again that . . . this is a chance of a lifetime and there are 200,000 other fat people behind you and if you don’t sign it they will. . . . I believe I signed away my life story and gave them the right to fictionalize it if they wanted to.  I had an attorney look at it afterward and he was like, ‘you signed away things that really can’t be signed away here, and the problem is they’ve got, like, 100 attorneys and you can’t even afford me.’  I’m terrified sometimes at the idea that I’m putting my family at risk to talk about it, but . . . my family’s taught me that you can’t go wrong with the truth.  I’m just going to do what I’ve got to do.

Click here to listen to this second portion of my interview with Kai.

Next week, find out how Kai and the other contestants learned how to dehydrate herself to win weigh-ins, how contestants were forced to do challenges with severe injuries, and what she’s up to now.

You can now read and listen to part 1 here and  part 3 here.

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Golda is a certified holistic health counselor and founder of Body Love Wellness, a program designed for plus-sized women who are fed up with dieting and want support to stop obsessing about food and weight. To learn more about Golda and her work, click here.

123 thoughts on “A Dose Of Reality: My Exclusive Interview With Biggest Loser Finalist, Kai Hibbard (Part 2 of 3)

  1. Kai is brave for talking about this. I went through this in my early 20s, thanks to a fat hating gynecologist. At 177 lbs and 5’9″, I was huge to him. After all these years, I still don’t know how I feel about having had a socially acceptable body and fitting into those cute clothes with a cut-in waist.

    I lost down to 127. became severely depressed, and stopped menstruating. Also chronic sinusitis. Kai got lucky that her family supported her.

    All weight loss programs fail 97% of the time, and the weight loss process is very unhealthy. Weight is genetic and hereditary, not necessarily evil. Her symptoms are not unusual.

    The American medical profession, the media, and unfortunately, the US government, put out all this hype that being fat is evil. Yet, people live longer in the US all the time.

    By the time I got diagnosed with diabetes, I had given up with the myth of weight loss. I am close to the big three oh oh now,

    My mother hovered around the big three oh oh also. Then she suddenly started losing weight. About six months after the weight loss, she found out why: lung cancer. Then I researched and found out tumors eat calories. Yet, the doctors had been applauding the weight loss instead of logically suspecting lung cancer in a former heavy smoker! Lung cancer tends to be diagnosed too late! Well, in retrospect, she should have been dx’d sooner.

  2. For some reason, I’m not buying it. I lost weight eating 1000-1200 calories and WISH I had the time to work out 4-5 hrs a day. This isn’t “torture” as Kai is suggesting, its weight loss. Obviously, she wasn’t picking the nutritional food, if she’s just eating Coffee, Splenda and water. And BTW nobody is forcing ANYONE to do this, or loose weight. She and the persons on the show are grown adults and this is not a communist society, NOBODY IS FORCED INTO ANYTHING. PERIOD. No sympathy from me, sorry.

    1. @Samantha, if you did work out that much, chances are you’d be sent to the hospital.

      Weight loss, proper weight loss does NOT involve degradation, humiliation and mistreating people. It also does not involve destructive methods that could KILL a person. Ask any reputable nutritionist. They will tell you that weight loss at the rate Kai and the others were loosing it is dangerous and counter-productive. If you can take it all off in a week, you can put it back on in a week, too.

      The fact that she wanted to go on this show shows that she knew she needed to loose weight. She stayed because, like others, she viewed it as her last chance. So she put up with it because she justified it. The ends justify the means, as they say.

    1. @bodylovewellnes Your Biggest Loser article is terrific. So many people want to believe a weight loss bogus happy story and not dark reality

    1. @bodylovewellnes Wow, the interview with Kai Hibbard just gets more intense every time I read it. Thank you for this.

  3. @L: You said “Why would anyone allow people to treat them like this?” and I shook my head. What made you think victim blaming was acceptable? Are you completely ignorant of what happens when one is being verbally and physically abused, starved of food and adequate rest, and kept separate from their support system?

    Kai did NOT “let herself” be abused. She was abused by people who decided money was worth torturing, humiliating and harassing people who thought the show wanted to help them. Why on earth are you defending these abusive people, and saying, essentially, that it is all Kai’s fault this happened to her, while questioning Kai’s mental health? Your words are disgusting.

  4. I was shocked this year when Miggie came back from having her appendix removed and was walking miles and miles the next days for the weigh in. That seemed a bit extreme even for that show.

  5. WOW!! What would you endure to lose weight. This is such a very sad story. I have tried out for biggest loser 8 times. It seems like a blessing that I didn’t make it on the show. A Friend and I tried out for season 8 and the stuff they put us through for 8 hours was unreal and that WAS JUST waiting in line. I am a real fan of your blog. I hope you will have time to read a post on my blog about that day my friend and I tried out for Biggest Loser it was a crazy day! here is the link: http://themewithin.com/wordpress/?p=162
    Thank you for your post I really enjoined it.

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