Do I Really Have To Give Up The Dream Of Being Thin?

the dream of being thin Every once in a while, I get one of those emails that nearly knocks me over.

“I am afraid to give up the dream of being thin. I have good days, where I can accept myself and think I am beautiful, but I can never let go of the dream of being thin, and I am afraid that if I fully commit to your methods, I will be a failure, and that no matter how amazing my life is, everyone will know me for a failure if I stay fat.”

Raise your hand if you know what this woman is talking about! (Yes, my hand is up too.)

The dream of being thin is a collective sort of dream. One that we’re sold and told to believe in from such an early age that even just acknowledging it as a dream (and not a truth) is a huge step.

But what do you do with the dream of being thin when, at least intellectually, you know it’s a dream that isn’t worth dreaming anymore?

Do You Have To Give Up The Dream Of Being Thin?
I’ve worked with lots of clients who told me that even though they think Health At Every Size® makes sense, they still want to lose weight. They want to embrace Health At Every Size® and stop worrying about their weight but they don’t feel ready to fully let the concept of weight loss go.

What I tell them may surprise you.

I say, okay. That’s really okay. You don’t have to let go of the dream of being thin or the desire to be thinner. But for the next few days or weeks or months, or even just for today, I want you to just push it to the side a bit. Just shift it over a few inches and try, as much as possible, to try my suggestions.

As I sometimes tell them, dance with the dream. Let the dream be light. Let the dream of being thin be your momentary dance partner, not your boss.

This slight mindset shift can make a big difference.

Clearing The Dream, Finding True Desire
As dreams go, the dream of being thin is really more of a nightmare. The dream of being thin keeps you trapped in patterns that don’t serve you. When you believe the dream, you fixate on your weight and on food, feel good when you lose weight, feel horrible when you gain it back, and since weight gain means you’re moving farther from the dream, you inevitably look for a new weight loss solution again and again.

What’s the dream of being thin really about?

The dream says that weight loss is the ultimate prerequisite, the ultimate key to unlock all of your desires. Want health? A better job? Hotter sex? Beauty? Confidence? The envy of your peers? You’ve been told over and over again that weight loss is always the answer.

What no one ever tells you is that the prerequisite is b.s. You can take the advanced class right now. You don’t need the key to unlock the door, the door is flimsy. In fact there is no door! (I know I’m mixing metaphors here. Bear with me!)

So your task, should you choose to accept it, is to ask yourself two questions:

  1. What is the dream of being thin getting me?
  2. What is it that I really want?

Question #1 is actually quite important. It can be scary to realize, but sometimes you hold on to the dream of being thin because pursuing other desires feels kind of scary. You know how to worry about your weight, worry about food, worry about exercise. If you’re anything like I was, you basically have a PhD in dieting right now. It’s hard to leave the world you know, even one you’re sick of, for the world you don’t know. And loving your body, eating intuitively, experiencing better health while fat, experiencing hot sex while fat, and anything and everything else that you want may seem scarier than what you have.

Once you realize what the dream of being thin is or isn’t getting you, you’re able to make a real decision about whether you want to wake up from it or not.

The second question can be scary too. Asking yourself what you really want is a big freaking deal. So I recommend looking at it from a place of fun rather than a place of “have to.” (And by the way, I’m going to be covering this a bit in my upcoming free training here.)

If Everyone Else Is Caught Up In The Dream, Am I A Failure For Not Going Along?
I want to address the last point from that email above. Are you a failure if you’re happy with your body and everyone else thinks you’re a failure for not losing weight?

To me, that term “failure” is a huge red flag. I know for myself that when I hear it, the inner critic (my own or my client’s) is working on overdrive.

This is another mindset shift that is required for waking up from the dream of being thin. Are you a failure if you don’t lose weight and keep it off? No, you’re just really, really normal.

To me, feeling great in your body, loving it, adorning it happily, engaging with the world in it, denotes a huge success. In essence, when you give up on the dream of being thin, you have to redefine the meaning of success. If success always meant weight loss, what does it mean when weight loss is off the table? Success then becomes a personal question of your own desires and values, and isn’t that what success should really be anyway?

I would love to know what your experience has been with giving up the dream of being thinn(er). Let me know in the comment section below.

Get my body love tips, and start to see your body in a whole new way!

Golda is a certified holistic health counselor and founder of Body Love Wellness, a program designed for plus-sized women who are fed up with dieting and want support to stop obsessing about food and weight.  She is now enrolling for The Big Beautiful Goddess Academy. Click here for details!

(Listen to this post here, or subscribe on itunes.)

By the way, this post is part of this awesome event:
Support the Voices of Size Acceptance

58 thoughts on “Do I Really Have To Give Up The Dream Of Being Thin?

  1. I’m impressed that you went to a body positive workshop with 200 women! Wow! Was this a live workshop?

    I think it’s great that you have this clarity on what being thin really means for you. That’s huge.

    So glad you like this post!

  2. Great post, Golda! I totally agree – it’s hard to ask for what we actually want. But I have felt a huge weight lift in my life since letting go of the ‘dream of being thin.’ Suddenly, nothing is standing in my way of so many things… I never realized what a far-reaching impact it was having in my life until I let it go.

  3. Thank you so much for this post — I constantly waffle between being okay with myself as I am and really wishing I could lose some weight for “legitimate” “practical” reasons and just really wishing someone would invent a safe high volume lipo so I could actually be thin. I end up feeling like a failure twice over in my ‘want to be thin(ner)’ moments because not only am I failing at being thin, I’m also failing at being HAES-ey.

    1. Oh, yeesh. I feel that. That’s a lot of failure to dump on yourself, when you’re just trying to live your life. Even if you’re in limbo on the HAES thing, remember that you are never a failure. Sometimes it just takes time.

  4. This is so true! I went to a body positive workshop recently and everyone was invited to share their stories. I started mine with “I always imagined all the things I would do when I was thin” and almost every one of the 200+ women there nodded and murmured agreement. The sad reality is that for me to be really thin means not eating properly and being cold, tired and permanently hungry, therefore unable to do all the things I dreamed of doing anyway. I am so done with that! What an inspirational post and blog. Thank you!

  5. Wonderful Wonderful post Golda and so timely with Love Your Body Day being tomorrow! Thanks as always for your inspirational writing!
    Dr. Deah

  6. I haven’t given it up, but as you say I have let it be light. I don’t diet or watch what I eat for calories or fat or sugar. (I have a lot of restrictions anyway due to food sensitivities.) I dress to be comfy and in what makes me happy. But, I am no extrovert, have social anxiety in fact, and would really just like to blend in a bit more in daily life to make it require less bravery to go out into the world. But, I just kind of say to myself, well if it happens due to some shift in my metabolism that will be nice because I’ll blend, but I’m not sending myself nuts trying to achieve the impossible.

    1. Yeah, that’s one of the really tough things about being fat– you just take up more space, so it’s hard to hide out when you feel like it. Of course, social anxiety makes it even harder. Wishing you more comfort in social situations. And thanks for your comment. xo

  7. I love the bit about “adorning it happily”. That has been a real key for me. Taking pleasure in dressing my body in fun clothes that I love – that fit me and celebrate my body how it is right now, today – really started to turn me around from feeling like I “should” be thinner! It really feels like putting it out there and being seen as I am, and not feeling shame for not striving to be smaller.

  8. I think the dream of being thin is the dream of things being easier–of being closer to normal, of having an easier time at the doctor, of not having to painfully hunt for clothes in your size, of fitting into all kinds of chairs, of not standing out so much and not being told over and over in many different ways that you’re gross/unhealthy/wrong for having your body. Of course, that isn’t all necessarily true and I don’t diet or seek to lose weight for all the reasons you mention in your post, but when I dream of being thin it’s because I’m so tired of giving myself pep talks about how it’s ok to be who I am no matter how fat I am. Sometimes I wish I could just blend in and not feel judged all the time.

    1. Kimberly, that is exactly it for me. I don’t have fantasies about being richer or having a better sex life, or whatever. But I desperately wish I could be allowed to just *be*. To walk down the street and know that I’m considered average, the norm, so much so that I’m not even considered, period. To not stand out. To be in the world as if my body didn’t matter to everyone around me. That seems like it would be so freeing. Heavenly. Of course, I remember being a “normal” BMI and still feeling that way, so…

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