Letting Go

Oya by Kris Waldherr

by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.

Most of us are great at overdoing it.  We say “yes” too much, agree to too many obligations, and often feel overwhelmed.  Finding ways to let go of those aspects of our lives that don’t serve us can be difficult, so how do we go about doing that?

I recently traded tarot sessions with renowned author and creator of a number of wonderful tarot decks, Kris Waldherr. In my session, Kris told me that I need to let go of some aspect of my business.  As soon as she said this, I felt anxious about it but also knew that she was right.  I used to find it fun to promote all of the different things that I was doing, but now it had begun to feel like too much.  I knew on some level, too, that in order to receive what I needed to and move forward, I would have to let go.

For many of us, letting go can be a real challenge, but it’s an important part of staying comfortably in the flow of our lives.  When we can learn to let go as well as receive, it’s easier to feel balanced and comfortable with the way that life ebbs and flows.

Because this is a challenge for me too, I’ve developed some ways to actively let go.

Use Affirmations

When I know I want to do something but don’t really know how I’m going to do it, I start by affirming my willingness and desire to do it.  Here are three examples of affirmations that I’ve used to let go:

“I desire clarity on that which doesn’t serve me.”

“I am willing to let go of anything that doesn’t serve me.”

“I release anything and everything that doesn’t serve me.”

Using these affirmations repeatedly (either writing them, thinking them, or saying them aloud) can help you to get comfortable with letting go and help you get clarity on what it’s time to let go of.

Free Writing

Take some time to write about what you’d like to let go of.  See what comes up without judging it.  Remember, you don’t have to act on anything right away, but it’s a great way to gain clarity about what you desire to release.

Create A Letting Go Ritual

Here is my very brief, letting go ritual.  Feel free to embellish it as you wish!

You will need: paper, pen, a dark red or purple candle, and a fire-safe bowl or sink.
Feel free to add: incense, music, dancing, friends to witness and/or participate and anything else that feels right.

Write at the top of the paper, “I release and let go of the following:”  and then list that which you want to let go of.  There is no need to worry about how this will happen.  The things you release can be tangible (e.g., old clothes that you want to donate or sell) or  intangible (e.g.,procrastination, worry, doubts.)  Make sure to include these things on your list.

Next, light your candle.  If you’re into goddesses, I would invoke a crone or waning moon goddess or a warrior goddess, one known for clearing away to make way for the new (e.g., Oya, Kali, or Hecate). Again, feel free to invoke any deity, or the Universe, or just light the candle and picture that which your releasing as it leaves your consciousness and transmutes into something else.

Next, take your list, and either rip off part of it (if you’re doing this ritual over a succession of nights) or the whole thing (if you’re doing it in one night) and let that piece of paper be lighted by the light of the candle.  Let the paper burn, and as it does, imagine all that you’re letting go of leaving your consciousness.*

Again, letting go is an important part of staying in balance and allowing ourselves to make more room for that which we do want.

If you try any of these letting go tips, let me know in the comment section below!  And if you desire to go deeper with this topic, I would recommend using the Shadow Sister Meditation, which is available here.

*Please make sure to do this ritual in a fire safe way.  I recommend bringing the candle and the paper into the bathroom and letting the paper burn in the sink.  You may want to keep a fire extinguisher handy too.  Consider using a small piece of paper as well.  If you have any concerns, you can rip up the paper and throw it away rather than burning it.  Also, don’t leave the candle unattended.

Note: I recommend doing this during a waning moon, particularly if you’re interested in connecting with the moon’s cycles.

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Golda is a certified holistic health counselor and founder of Body Love Wellness, a program designed for plus-sized women who are fed up with dieting and want support to stop obsessing about food and weight. To learn more about Golda and her work, click here.

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3 thoughts on “Letting Go

  1. Well, I’d like to “let go” of doing my homework but that would be hugely irresponsible. The other thing taking up my time is volunteer work, but “letting go” of that means more dead kitties than otherwise.

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