Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth With Sensation

By Golda Poretsky, HHC
At this time of year, sweetness is all around us. The air smells sweet with blossoming flowers. Sweet, juicy fruit is ripening and in season. According to certain ancient cultures, this time of the month in June provides us with a full moon that signifies the best time to harvest the sweetest honey.
Reading just those few sentences above, could you taste the sweetness of this time? The human imagination is so incredibly agile and evocative that just thinking about sweet things allows us to taste and sense sweetness.
As humans, we have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. (Of course, some of us don’t have the use of all of those senses.) Most of us think of the first five senses as distinct from one another. You hear sounds, smell fragrances, etc. Some of us even believe in a sixth sense, or an ability to sense things beyond those five senses.
In order to really experience the sweetness of life, you may have to go beyond categorizing your five senses. You may have to look to your “common sense.” Just like you know what a “loud color” is and may have had an experience that “left a bitter taste in your mouth” you can understand how to see, hear, taste, touch and smell the sweetness of your experiences.
This week, I want you to experiment with enjoying the sweetness of your experiences. Whether it’s taking a walk on a beautiful night, enjoying the way a piece of silky clothing feels against your shoulder, laughing with a friend (or even crying with a friend), I want you to focus on the sensations in your body and sensing the sweetness of the moment with all of your senses. Let us know what you tried and if it made you feel emotionally full.
By the way, there’s nothing wrong with satisfying your sweet tooth with food, particularly if you take the time to savor and enjoy it. But sometimes acknowledging the sweetness of an experience can be even more satisfying!
Don’t forget to check out my blog at More of Me To Love.
Also, please stop by my Facebook group and become a member of the Body Love Wellness Group!
Golda is a Holistic Health Counselor who graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Through her fun, simple, stress-free approach, Golda specializes in transforming people’s relationships with food and their bodies.

Want some individualized attention actualizing this week’s tip? Check out to set up a free consultation with Golda!

2 thoughts on “Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth With Sensation

  1. This is a beautiful website. All the articles emphasize self-acceptance and love. How refreshing and what useful and self-healing philosophies to live by.
    Thank you Golda! You are exceptional!

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