
I’m so glad you’re here.

Being a woman in our society isn’t easy.  And it’s nearly impossible to grow up without feeling pressured around what we eat and how we look.

You’ve probably tried what you could to change things for yourself– from diets, to exercise programs, to cleanses.  You’ve probably lost and gained back the same 20 or 30 or 50 or 100 pounds again and again.

This whole process is exhausting and unfair. How unfair that you’ve spent precious minutes, hours, and days of your life worrying about what you’re eating and how you look. How unfair is it that while you were worry about all this, you could have spent your time enjoying yourself and creating a life that you truly desired?

If you’re ready to turn the page on all of this, then the Body Love Breakthrough session is for you.

I’ve made just 5 sessions available for Roots Of She readers, so make sure to sign up now!

These are the amazing benefits that you can expect from your Body Love Breakthrough Session. You’ll:

♥ Create a sense of clarity about the way you desire to feel about your body.
♥ Find out the essential building blocks for having the relationship with food and your body that you’ve dreamed of.
♥ Discover the #1 thing stopping you from accepting your body and healing your relationship with food.
♥ Identify the most powerful actions that will move you towards the relationship with food and your body that you desire.
♥ Complete the consultation with the excitement of knowing exactly what you need to do to feel great about your body and heal your relationship with food.

The first step toward your desires is simple, and it’s free.

Just enter your info in the boxes below, and  you’ll receive an email from me with further instructions on how to schedule your appointment, as well as a link to a short questionnaire.  (Make sure to check your spam folder just in case it ends up there.)

Yes, Golda, please sign me up for my FREE Body Love Breakthrough Session.

Send me the details at my email address below.

Please note, upon registration, you will also receive a complimentary subscription to the Body Love Wellness Newsletter. We will not share, rent or sell your information to any other organization.

© 2008-2011 Golda Poretsky. All rights reserved.