Watch Me On Nightline Tonight! ABC, 11:35 PM Eastern

Hi all!

I’ll be on Nightline tonight, on ABC at 11:35PM Eastern! Check out my interview with Yunji de Nies about fat discrimination and the Kevin Smith debacle.

With lots of Body Love,


Here it is, in case you missed it!

20 thoughts on “Watch Me On Nightline Tonight! ABC, 11:35 PM Eastern

  1. Hi, gorgeous Golda! I love the theme of your work, and am totally curious about the statistic you cite related to dieters failing–would you be able to share the study that made that claim? I also must respectfully disagree with the idea that “you can’t make a fat person thin,” given my own personal experience. It’s not easy. I know the odds are against me. But it’s also a daily choice for me to focus on what I most deeply desire: health, vitality, and energy, or paralysis, futility, and hopelessness.

    1. Hi Kristin. There are a number of studies on the inefficacy of dieting and the extremely high prevalence of regaining the weight. That number comes from a review of a number of studies conducted by the NIH. I realize that perhaps I should have said, “You can’t make the vast majority of fat people permanently thin,” rather than what I said. But the point of what I said was that there have always been fat people and always will be fat people, so saying that the solution is to make everyone thin is no solution at all. Additionally, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that our methods of creating temporary thinness, like dieting, actually leads to a host of physical and psychological issues, as well as a fatter population as a whole.

      Additionally, I’m glad that you’re making the daily choice to focus on your desires, but I don’t think that “health, vitality, and energy” are only possible when you’re thin, and that “paralysis, futility, and hopelessness” are due to fatness. I think that diet culture reinforces that dichotomy.

  2. You made a very valid point and I salute you, you rock. As a proponent of exercise and wellness myself, dealing with so many clients with weight and eating issues, I disagreed with Ms. Roth’s sentiments and feel they were unfounded and irrational. Keep up the good work!

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