Isn’t Winning Fun?

Dear readers!

I want to hear from you.

I have a question for you. What is your biggest frustration with your body?

Comment below and let me know what it is. All commenters will be eligible to win a FREE spot in my upcoming call-in class. The winner will be selected on Monday, October 5th at 11:30PM Eastern.

To learn more about the call-in class, click here.

If you know you want in, register now to reserve your spot. If you win the contest, I will refund your payment!

Good luck! May the most frustrated commenter win!

With lots of Body Love,
Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.

P.S. If you tweet this, post it in Facebook, etc., leave an extra comment below for each time you do so (with the link, if possible) and you will be entered to win all over again!

11 thoughts on “Isn’t Winning Fun?

  1. hmmm my biggest frustration..
    At this time its a tie between my flexibility and my strength not being where i'd like them to be.. That i am still working on doing The Snake in Sfactor and i know a lot is in my head..
    And that the Really rich and tasty foods are fattening. That i have to "behave myself" to release weight which means i have to choose between pleasurable things .

  2. I just wanted to stop by and thank you all for contributing and sharing your experiences. Please share more. I will respond more fully soon. Sending you all love!

  3. Hey Bill,

    I have two pretty good scars and I've always liked them, once the pain was done. I thought they added a bit of character.

    LOL, Sheri

  4. Since you insist: I don't care about contests, but hard to resist posting. I have a BMI of 31.5 so am "officially obese"–and happy with it. I'm also public about it. My main gripe with my body probably is two scars from surgeries of the past. As far as the fattest parts of my body is concerned, I'm fine with it! As a matter of fact, I have gratitude that I have a body at all, after two surgeries! I wish more people could count their blessings, instead of desperately wishing their bodies looked different.

  5. My biggest beef with my body is that it doesn't look in real life how it feels in my head. Hence, the lack of photos.

    Oro (because the stupid open id thing never works when I comment regardless of what site I'm commenting on)

  6. My biggest frustration has always been my boobs. They're really big and bras cost a lot of money so I've always not had enough of them. Also, because I've had problems finding a bra that actually worked well, I've had to constantly readjust my bra over the course of the day. The weasels just won't behave! (I call my boobs "weasels") My boobs are like ill-behaved competitive siblings. Anyway, I have kept trying to find a bra and I finally found one! So of course none of the sellers have more than one in stock in my size, right? Or it's on backorder. But I kept ordering and waiting and eventually I got more of them and now I have bras I can change ever day – at least two weeks worth! This is probably one of the most self-empowering moments I have ever had; I am really proud of myself for sticking it out and making things work for me. (but, of course, finding the "right bra" was luck!)

  7. Well hell's tits! It's clothes of course!!! I understand all the workings of ready to wear fashion (more than I ever wanted) about how they just take a perfect 16 and size it up without making allowances for women with different shapes who are the same size.

    I used to hate my body for not fitting into clothes or for having to get a shirt to fit my bust which looked like a bag everyplace else. Now I hate the clothing for not fitting me and try to make adjustments.

    I also hate how the world blames all health problems on being fat. Plantar fasciitis, asthma, even sinus infections (I mean REALLY!) all because your BMI isn't 10.

    I used to hate MYSELF and My BODY for not doing what I wanted and what others wanted, but now I'm mad at the treatment fat people get and the second class citizen status given to women and it's opened my eyes to biases women of color who are also fat have to face.

    I'm frustrated the world doesn't love my body the way I do, I'm frustrated fat people don't love themselves because the world says they are unlovable and unworthy.

    Oh yeah, I'm also frustrated that I have to wear a tight sports bra when giving a massage to make sure my boobs don't touch somebody's back.


  8. >Isn't winning fun?
    No, not really. But it beats losing.

    >What is your biggest frustration with your body?
    My skin seems to be made of dog shit. The good thing is that it used to take my attention off how fat I am, until I was fat-shamed by some doctors (who have more credibility than schoolyard bullies).

  9. Hello Golda,

    Funny you should ask today.

    This morning I woke feeling angry, sad, helpless and hopeless. I have been overeating and eating things that effect my body badly. If I cut down carbohydrates and eat normal-sized meals I feel strong and my body operates well, but my eating is so out-of-control that now my body is bogged down and I struggle with each step.

    I had gotten up several times in the night to go to the bathroom and I could barely get there on time. (Another problem that clears up when I eat well.) I loaded the washing machine and was panting and moaning. It took all my energy.

    I sat on the bench in front of my desk and began feeling sorry for myself. I wanted to cry, but couldn't allow it. I wondered who I could call for help. I am in contact with many life-coaches and I began sorting through them in my head.

    My feet and ankles were swollen — another thing that is not an issue when I eat healthy. I looked at my hair in the mirror. I needed to be cleaned, too. I felt pathetic and unloved.

    I am so tired of looking for help outside myself that I didn't call anyone. I've been there and back so many times that an answer didn't seem possible. I thought about your upcoming seminar as a ray of hope. I told myself that I need to make at least one improvement today.

    I opened my computer and began my day. I did take a few moments to shower today. I did more work than was necessary, but I overate at lunchtime. My feet and ankles are very swollen now.

    Although I have done nothing to improve my health, I still see my strengths. One of them is my ability to be a faker. I hate to admit my weaknesses. I take control by getting people to talk about themselves so the focus is averted from me.

    I wonder just how serious my problem is. Am I addicted to bad foods that don't taste all that good, don't serve me in any way and hurt my body more than I can express the way an alcoholic is addicted to booze? Or is there more to it than that?

    I don't know. But what I was thinking as I was limping out to my desk this morning, leaning on a cane, only because of overeating, that I am actually killing my wonderful body and life for the food of it. It does not make me happy. More than anything else I want to learn how to honor myself and my body and life a healthy lifestyle.

    Sheri D.

  10. to the lovely Golda, hmm tough question to answer. my biggest frustration with my body is that after 31 years i still havent learned to love it. i have flashes of realizing that it is great but then i often slip into self criticism.

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