In The Spirit Of Commencement

by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.

Remember way back in late March when I asked you to make a desires list? Take a moment to find that list. Does your list need some retooling? Take time to cross entries off the list that no longer interest you and make sure to add any new desires to the list. Also, look through and see which ones you’ve attained. For those, put a check mark next to them and write, “Thank You!” Allow yourself to feel the gratitude in your body. Also, if you didn’t make a desires list in March, now’s as good a time as any to put one together.

The energy of new beginnings is about our incredible ability to reinvent ourselves. When we resolve to look at the world with fresh eyes, we can see new opportunities where once we saw none; we can hope for change where once we believed stagnation inevitable. If you’re feeling stuck in patterns that no longer serve you, you may want to try affirmations or try on new beliefs about your life in order to shift your inner world, and, consequently, your outer world.

It’s also very important to have fun with the process of reinventing your life and achieving your desires. Having fun with your desires means taking pleasure and enjoyment from thinking about them and when experiencing them. For example, even if your desire to live in a gorgeous mansion isn’t so attainable right now, you can still go to a museum or historical society housed in an old mansion and enjoy imagining what it would be like to live there. Choosing fun and pleasure is a delicious way to get enjoyment out of your desires even if you haven’t attained them quite yet. And I really encourage you to think big with your desires, even if you’re feeling resistant and going for what you want is a stretch outside of your comfort zone.

Now get to that desires list! (I’m even hoping that one of your desires is to never diet again!)

For more information on Golda’s programs, please go to Please stop by the Body Love Wellness Facebook group and become a member of the Body Love Wellness Group!

2 thoughts on “In The Spirit Of Commencement

  1. You actually told me to make a list way back in the depths of wintertime, and it helped me a lot! Especially with a certain big giant writing project which shall be nameless. ;)

    But it’s definitely time to re-tool. Thanks for the reminder!

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