Fun: The Most Delicious “Soul Food”!

Oh, fun. It almost sounds like a four letter word! How often do we put off fun because of obligations? How often do we put off fun because it seems embarrassing to have fun when everyone else seems so miserable, serious and dour?

Do you find yourself feeling grumpy, unproductive or overly productive, and/or envious of those people that seem to have fun?

Like most things, I have an unpopular opinion about fun. I think fun is the elixir of life. I think fun is the cure for so much of what ails us. I think that most of us are literally starving for fun.

If you think I’m wrong, let’s try something together. Take a moment to think of the last time you had fun. Picture it in your mind’s eye. Feel that moment in your body. How do you feel now? Do you see the power of fun?!

Since I love practical tips, here are 10 fun things to try. Make a commitment to try at least one this week!

1) Send a cheeky text message to a friend or lover.
2) Play with your dog (or someone else’s dog).
3) Turn on some music and have a dance break wherever you are.
4) Call a funny friend.
5) Have lunch in the park and people watch.
5) Wink at a cute guy or gal while stopped at a light.
6) Buy fresh flowers for your home or office and give one to a stranger on the street.
7) Take a work break just to walk around the block.
8) Put on a fake tattoo.
9) Drive with the windows down and sing your favorite song with gusto.
10) Dress up a little more than you normally would, either at the office or at home.

What did you notice about these fun tips? They’re fun, right? And easier and less time consuming than you thought, I bet?

Perhaps you noticed something else, too: that fun is really just an attitude. It takes a little extra sassiness to send a cheeky text message and hand a flower to a stranger or to take a dance break wherever you are. It takes you saying, “Here I am world! I’m having fun and I’m so happy about it!” It takes you not listening to naysayers who insist that work and obligation should be the focus of your life. Work and obligations have their place too, but fun must be a priority if you want to feel alive.

So whenever you’re feeling inexplicable grumpy, wan, dreary etc., etc., take a moment to have fun wherever you are. You will be so glad that you did!

Want some individualized attention on other ways to nourish yourself with fun? Check out to set up a free consultation with Golda!

Also—attention New Yorkers! There is still one more Body Love Wellness workshop this April. For more info or to register, go to The final class (for now) is Tuesday, April 28th!

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