The Gratitude Attitude


Last week, I asked you to write out your desires, big and small, and have fun envisioning them coming to fruition.

So now that we’ve written out our desires (note to reader: if you haven’t yet, now’s a great time!), let’s get in touch with and appreciate all that we have right now.

Most of us have trouble staying present. We’re either upset or focused on things that have already happened or worried about things that might happen in the future. Writing out our desires allows us to envision a future that is different than the future we fear might happen. It grounds us in the fact that the future has not happened yet and that it could be as wonderful as the breadth of our imaginations.

Writing out what you’re grateful for takes you to the present and re-envisions your past. When you feel grateful for what you have, you ground yourself in the present moment and acknowledge all of the good that you’ve received. Your list of “gratefuls” can be big or small. You may even find that you’re grateful for experiences that were otherwise difficult.

To get you started on your “gratefuls” list, here’s an example.

1) I am grateful for my apartment that is so bright and sunny.
2) I am grateful for my friend Lisa for being such a good friend to me throughout my life.
3) I am grateful for my history degree because it helps me understand the world.
4) I am grateful for my pretty new scarf.
5) I am grateful for being laid off because I know that it is advancing me towards my real career goals.
6) I am grateful for my laptop for being so reliable.
7) I am grateful for the delicious sushi I had for lunch.
8) I am grateful for the car accident I had when I was 17 because it made me the safe driver I am today.
9) I am grateful for all the health difficulties I’ve had because they’ve led me to my passion for holistic healing.
10) I am grateful for the money in my bank account.

As you can see, your “gratefuls” can be about anything and everything. You can write them or say them aloud or even just think them. They are especially helpful when you find yourself feeling depressed about the past or anxious about the future. Thinking of everything that you’re grateful for is the key to staying present and opening yourself up to more and more good stuff!

Try it right now and see how it makes you feel. Comment below and share with us! I would love to see your gratitudes!

Want some individualized attention working with gratitude? Check out to set up a free consultation with Golda! And don’t forget to check out my blog at More Of Me To Love.

4 thoughts on “The Gratitude Attitude

  1. Hi, Daniel. Wow, I’ve never heard of Gratitude Watch until now. What a great site! Thank you for including me.

  2. Hi Moe! Thanks for your comment. It’s true, we’re so accustomed to griping, that listing what we’re grateful for almost feels strange. Being grateful is a great antidote to griping! Thanks for bringing that up and for sharing your personal gratitudes!

  3. It’s so easy in our society to gripe. I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t hear some gripe about something and then find myself join in with a gripe of my own.

    Griping aside. Thinking about what we are greatful for is so important. I’m glad you brought it up.

    My quick seven grateful list:
    * not having seizures for four years
    * a caring husband
    * internet
    * health
    * chocolate
    * Tylenol ES
    * online resources (the women I meet)

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