On Total Blog Fails And Going With The Flow (Mercury In Retrograde Edition)

by Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.

Listen to the podcast of this post here:

I tried to write this post about 10 times this week, and every time, I just couldn’t do it.

I had ideas but I didn’t like them enough.  I sat down to write and then found every distraction I could find (hello, Facebook!).

I used every trick in the book.

Affirmations! — “I’m an excellent writer who writes my blog easily!”

Time Management Skills! — I will set a timer for exactly 50 minutes, and it will be done in that time.  Everyone knows that work always fits the time allotted to it. It’s Parkinson’s Law in action!

Free Writing! — I know that if I write about whatever eventually it will be something interesting and then it will all come together in a genius blog post yes that will happen I know it when is it going to happen?

Relocation!  — Maybe if I just get out of my office and go to a coffee shop I’ll be inspired by the energy of those around me!

None of it worked.  Not one bit.  And as a coach who helps people move through resistance all the time, it was kind of a bummer that I couldn’t do it for myself this time.

Maybe you’ve experienced something similar.  Have you ever had a project with a deadline, where you knew you could do it but just couldn’t make it happen?  I can’t be the only one.

So I decided to write about that struggle today.  That struggle of making something happen versus getting into agreement with the idea that it may not.

It was only when I got into agreement with the idea that maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t going to get my blog in by the deadline, that I was able to write this post.  I told myself that it was okay, that I could re-use an old post that a lot of new readers haven’t seen yet rather than come up with something new.  Going with the flow and acknowledging that I was stuck actually got me unstuck!

And then I just decided to write about not being able to write a post.  I’m now about 10 minutes into it, and I think I’m going to stop while the gettin’s good.

In a weird way, my struggle with writing my blog today is a lot like the struggle that many of us face when we try to change our bodies through dieting, over-exercising and other behaviors.  We often get to a point where our bodies rebel — we eat more than we “should”, we get injured and have to slow down, or we just get tired of fighting with ourselves. By accepting our bodies and our imperfection, we can actually relax and trust our bodies are really okay.  By giving up the struggle, we can just be and let things unfold.

Have you ever gotten into agreement with something that wasn’t working for you and finally found the solution you were looking for?  Please share it with me here or on Facebook.


Golda Poretsky, H.H.C. is a certified holistic health counselor who specializes in empowering plus sized women to own their bodies and their beauty. Go to https://www.bodylovewellness.com/free to get your free download — Golda’s Top Ten Tips For Divine Dining!

Join Golda for her 21-day Body Love Makeover Attraction Program. It starts tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “On Total Blog Fails And Going With The Flow (Mercury In Retrograde Edition)

  1. Oh deadlines, how I hate them and how I struggle with them but yet I have jobs that get manage by deadlines, how much I struggle with them and still I don’t know how but I manage to deliver on time, after freaking out that I don’t have any more time or working really hard on a idea all week to change it for other one in the last minute.
    But when it comes to health, I do agree with you the more I built pressure and objectives on heath the more I get stuck, its still hard not to live by my obsessive mind, but the less I think about it, the better I do with not having obsessive thoughts

  2. Golda, you just described my struggle with writing lately. I finally pulled out of it last week when my guy reminded me of something that had worked before, an idea I borrowed from Eckhardt Tolle: giving the writing sacred space. The idea is to give “life” time to work through me (in Tolle’s words). I set aside an hour strictly for the writing trying to make it a sacred, relaxed time and allow the flow, as you say, to happen. It worked on Friday. If I pressure myself, I slow down rather than speed up. Now, to get this book finished!!

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