Holiday Special: Wintry Wellness

Wyanne Thompson  Kissing The Moon Voluptuart
“Kissing The Moon” by Wyanne Thompson, available at

Golda Poretsky, HHC

Sometimes, December can feel like an unending crush of obligations.  From shopping for a gift for your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate to figuring out what dishes your raw vegan friends will like, to making sure deals close at work before Christmas, to finals if you’re in school, etc., etc. it can all be very overwhelming.

But if you’re feeling overwhelmed this year, or  you’re one of those people who always seems to get sick or run down in early January, the answer may be as simple as taking a little more care of yourself right now.

At this time of year (if you’re living in the Northern Hemisphere), you’re feeling the pull of all of these obligations but you’re also feeling a different, contrary pull as well.  You’re probably feeling like you should be getting a little more sleep, pay more attention to your dreams, and go inward to connect with yourself and your loved ones on a deeper level.

All of this makes perfect sense, right?  The nights are longer and in a few days (December 21st) we’ll have the longest night of the year.  And while many cultures have celebrated the Winter Solstice as the rebirth of the Sun (since the days get longer after the solstice), Winter’s long nights give us a lot of time where the strongest light in the sky is the Moon. In many ancient and current Nature-based religions, the Moon is associated with the feminine principle in the Universe, and the power and wisdom that comes from deep connection to ourselves and our communities, dreamtime, intuition and receptivity.  And so, just as it’s important to really celebrate the joy of being with and connecting with loved ones, it’s also really important, especially at this time of year, to get in touch with yourself, your desires, and your needs.

So here are some tips for a happier, healthier holiday this year!

Top Tips For A Happier, Healthier Holiday:

  1. Increase Your Self Care — During the holidays, we often cut out self care to make more time for all we have to do.  But making time for self care is key to feeling good during the holidays and after.  For some self care ideas, click here.
  2. Set Loving Boundaries — Setting boundaries with your loved ones can make the difference in your experience this holiday.  To learn how to do this, click here.
  3. Focus On Receiving — Giving is great, but receiving can be even better.  For tips on how to feel better by receiving more, click here.
  4. Stay Sensual Engaging all of your senses at holiday parties and meals is the key to staying relaxed, staying in your body and really enjoying each moment.
  5. A Free Teleclass Won’t Hurt — Have a happier, healthier holiday this year by registering for our upcoming FREE teleclass, How To Eat Healthfully During The Holidays. Click here to register for free.

As always, let me know if you try these suggestions, and how it goes!

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Golda is a certified holistic health counselor and founder of Body Love Wellness, a program designed for plus-sized women who are fed up with dieting and want support to stop obsessing about food and weight. To learn more about Golda and her work, click here.

(Listen to this post here, or subscribe on itunes.)

3 thoughts on “Holiday Special: Wintry Wellness

  1. Hi,

    I am also of the opinion that the recommendation of setting healthy boundaries turns out to be very important – especially at Christmas and New Year. I love your tips and just wanted to mention that I always set myself some healthy and loving boundaries.

    Greets from Austria and Happy Christmas,

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