You Have To Ask

boycott marie claire sign bigotedGolda Poretsky, HHC

This has been one of the most bizarre election seasons in U.S. history.  With a senatorial candidate threatening that people will “use their Second Amendment remedies” if Congress doesn’t change, a variety of candidates advocating the repeal of a number of constitutional amendments, a head-stomping at a political rally where the person committing the assault wants an apology, and on and on and on, it seems like reason, and any hope for a functioning political process, may be out the window.

And I know that things look really dire.  And I know that there are no simple answers.  But in this time of political and social turmoil, I think we need to remember the importance of asking for what we want.

It’s true that the personal is political, but the political is also personal.  Just like you need to ask your political representatives for what you want (by voting, peacefully protesting, emails, calls, etc.) you also need to ask those around you for what you want.  If you never ask, you never know what could have been.

If the folks who put together the Kiss-In‘s in NYC, Philly, and San Francisco never asked anyone to show up and take a stand against fat hatred and bigotry, then those amazing events never would have happened.  In the same way, if you never ask for a raise from your boss, or a hug from your best friend, or for your boyfriend to do the dishes,  than those things are probably not going to happen.

None of us were meant to be completely self-sufficient.  When we ask for help and ask for what we need, we get to feel cared for, supported and part of something bigger than ourselves.  Even if the answer we get is “no,” at least we’ve had a conversation.  At least we asked.

So, I’m writing this to remind you that it’s important to ask for you what you want.  And if you’re registered to vote in the U.S., please remember to vote tomorrow (Tuesday, November 2nd)!

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Golda is a certified holistic health counselor and founder of Body Love Wellness, a program designed for plus-sized women who are fed up with dieting and want support to stop obsessing about food and weight. To learn more about Golda and her work, click here.

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