Stop Dieting Now Is Now Available!

Stop Dieting Now 25 Reasons To Stop 25 Ways to HealI’m pleased to announce that my book, Stop Dieting Now: 25 Reasons To Stop, 25 Ways To Heal is now available at online retailers in the US, Canada, and the UK!

From an early age, our culture tells us that losing weight and dieting is the key to having it all.  Whether it’s better health, a better body, or a better lover, we all learn that dieting will get us what we want faster than anything else.

Though we all want this to be true, if you’re like most dieters, then you know that dieting does not equal happiness.  Not only that, dieting can result in lots of unintended effects, like weight gain, disordered eating, and low self esteem, just to name a few.

But there is a way out.  In this breakthrough book, I show you why diets don’t work and how you can break free from dieting patterns that are holding you back from happiness.

When you read Stop Dieting Now!, you will come away with breakthrough insights and practical actions that you can take immediately to change your relationship with food and your body.  Here are just a few things that you will learn from this book:

  • Why you can’t stick to diets (hint: it’s not about willpower).
  • Simple techniques for letting go of food-related guilt and shame.
  • Why you always seem to gain back the weight you lose from dieting.
  • How old diet rules and habits can negatively interfere with your food choices, long after you stop dieting.
  • How to avoid passing on dieting behaviors to your kids.
  • The dangers behind “weighting” to be thinner before you make changes in your life.
  • Real tools that support you in making peace with your body.
  • And so much more . . .

Where to buy:

Let me know when you get it!

And stay tuned for info on my upcoming book signing at Re/Dress NYC!

8 thoughts on “Stop Dieting Now Is Now Available!

  1. Congrats on your book Golda!!! May you sell a gazillion copies!We both used a version of Sandro Botticelli's Birth of Venus on our covers. Its a fabulous painting. I was fortunate enough to see her in Florence while I was working on my book, and after so many years of only knowing her from reproductions, she brought tears to my eyes. She's also over life size, which really surprised me.

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