Deeeeeep Discount On The Body Love Boost

Golda Poretsky, H.H.C.

I’ve been meditating a lot on my work over the last few weeks, and I’ve come to some conclusions.

My desire right now is to have as many people in Body Love Boost Teleclass as want to be in it. I believe in the transformative healing power of body acceptance and intuitive eating, and I want as many people to experience it as possible. This means you too!

Therefore, I’ve lowered the price of this class to $45. That amount gets you 3 phone-in classes, emailed handouts, and recordings of our classes for you to keep.

Click here to register right now for $45.

When you register, you get these tools:

  • Learn how to eat healthfully without dieting.
  • Learn how to eat intuitively and connect with your body’s needs.
  • Create a peaceful and stress free relationship with food and eating.
  • Feel comfortable in your skin, no matter what the situation.
  • Gain new confidence in yourself and your choices.
  • Be as healthy as you can be, no matter what size you are.
  • Be welcomed into a community of people who desire to create similar changes in their lives.

The juicy details:

DATES: 3 Wednesdays, 10/7, 10/14 and 10/21
FORMAT: Call-in. Register now to receive your call-in info.
COST: $45*

*If you can’t swing $45, email me and let me know what you can manage.